Farvel was just a thought in 2014 after creating a book for my oldest daughter about her first year of life. The thought finally started to come to life when I decided I wanted to interview my mum about her life. My sister and I had a vague understanding about her life ‘pre-us’, but not in enough detail to convey to my children. Having remembered my Uncle had used a dictaphone to record my Pop about his life journey, I realised I wanted to do something similar by creating a centralised space to store all my future letters for my kids, life story questions/answers & recordings concerning my mum and dad, and how I would like my life to be celebrated. (If I got hit by a bus tomorrow, I wanted something more than just telling my husband that I want U2 & Mary J Bligh’s ‘One’ played at my funeral.) 

I also wanted to give my family the keys to open a treasure trove of sentimental messages when the time came and I wasn’t here to tell them how much they meant to me. Particularly if they were in the midst of grief, it would hopefully assist them reminisce, remember and mourn and it would give me some level of peace in knowing I have left nothing unsaid.

‘Farvel’ means goodbye or farewell in Danish. The Danes are known to be the happiest people on earth (despite their long gruelling winters). Research has found this is largely because they follow the Hygge way of life. Hygge is a concept that is about contentment & wellness and enjoying life by surrounding yourself with good things & good people. They believe in togetherness, indulgence, presence, relaxation and comfort. Our values at Farvel mirror these qualities with a particular focus on gratitude. Being thankful (to the people that have impacted your life) is at the core of our business. Our other values include Generosity, Love, Integrity and Optimism.

Farvel is for and about all the sentimental, non-material things in life. To help us appreciate all the little things that really are, the BIG things.

Farvel aims to give you a level of peace in knowing you have said everything you need to say, in order to farewell those you love.


How Farvel can empower you?

Farvel seeks to empower you in the realisation that death is inevitable and that your ability to embrace and prepare for this moment, will help you to live a FULL LIFE.

‘Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.’

Khalil Gibran

“Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Irish headstone

“It is possible to embrace a lifetime of love, adventure, curiosity and wonder, acknowledging and accepting the inevitability of having to experience grief, loss and death.”

Anna Lyons and Louise Winter 'Life, Death, Whatever.'

“If you live to be a hundred, I hope I live to be a hundred minus one day, so that I never have to live a day without you.”

Winnie the Pooh

Get started

Start storing, creating and sharing your preferences around your funeral / resting place. Have peace of mind knowing you have communicated everything you want to say in written or video form.

Get Started